Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Design process

A woman creating in a costume workshop in Prague theater.
The costume design process involves many steps and though they differ from genre to genre a basic method is commonly used.
1.) Analysis: The first step is an analysis of the script, musical composition, choreography, etc. Parameters must be established:
  • Indication of events happening before the piece took place if applicable
  • Geographical location
  • Day, month, year or specific season
  • Who the characters are regarding relationships and socio economics, government and religious rule, and ethical conduct, marriage or family.
  • The function of each character in regards to protagonist, antagonist etc.
  • Dialogue mode of text
  • Texts action in sequence. This is used to create a Costume Plot or Action Chart, which lists which characters are in what scene.
  • Theme of the text
2.) Design Collaboration: An important phase in the process is meeting with the director and fellow designers. There must be a clear understanding of:
  • Script/Text
  • Budget
  • Time table/Calendar
3.) Costume Research: Once guidelines are established, the next step is to gather research.
  • A research outline is important to focus your attention, listing any questions necessary to complete your study.
  • Use primary sources for the majority of your research; Such as, museums, periodicals, newspapers, sculptures, paintings, etc.
4.) Preliminary Sketching and Color Layout: Once enough information is obtained to begin drawing, a preliminary sketch must be performed. Successful preliminary sketching conveys an accurate depiction of:
  • Line, which will show the silhouette of the targeted piece of clothing
  • Proportion, of not only the garment but also the actors body.
  • Detail, of not specifics but general ideas. Such as the indication of what type of fabric or pattern may be used.
  • A color layout, using either fabric swatches, or paint samples needs to be represented.
5.) Final Sketches: The final costume sketch can be completed in any medium but must include:
  • Name of text
  • Name of character/actor
  • Scene(s) in which costume is represented
  • Signed signature of artist
  • Swatch of fabric if being constructed

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