Monday, May 5, 2014

37 Impossibly Fun Best Friend Photography Ideas

Christina Lu/BuzzFeed

1. Get into some parking lot tomfoolery.

Get into some parking lot tomfoolery.

2. Or some laundromat mischief.

Or some laundromat mischief.

3. Go along with her crazy ideas….

Go along with her crazy ideas....

4. Because whenever you’re together, you always get into some sort of trouble.

5. Make your best smooshy face.

Make your best smooshy face.

6. Do the dogpile.

Do the dogpile.

7. Because you always carry each other.

Because you always carry each other.
Matthew Lee /

8. And hold each other up.

9. Make a grand entrance with arms linked.

Make a grand entrance with arms linked.

10. Keep a solid lock on one another.

11. Walk in symmetry.

Walk in symmetry.
Jaehee Yoo / Facebook: uncchlens

12. Party ‘til dawn.

Party 'til dawn.

13. Let all the blood rush to your heads.

Let all the blood rush to your heads.
Blend Images - KidStock / Getty Images / Brand X

14. Touch the sky.

Touch the sky.
Kaponia Aliaskei / Shutterstock

15. Jump for joy.

Jump for joy.
Michelle Johnson -

16. Be perfectly coordinated.

17. Do something silly.

Do something silly.
Photolyric / Getty Images

Because best friends don’t let each other do them alone.

Because best friends don't let each other do them alone.

18. Get close up.

Get close up.
Flickr: invad3r / Creative Commons

19. See who can hold their breath the longest.

See who can hold their breath the longest.
pio3 / Shutterstock

20. Recreate a childhood activity.

Recreate a childhood activity.

21. Stare back at yourselves in wonderment….

Stare back at yourselves in wonderment....

22. Because you’ve come an incredibly long way together.

Because you've come an incredibly long way together.

23. Throw up some gang signs.

Throw up some gang signs.

24. Or just spell it out.

25. Braid your hair together like sisters.


26. See yourselves through a different lens.

27. Have an affinity for infinity.

28. Because you know your friendship will always live on.

Because you know your friendship will always live on.

29. Flip your hair like the secret mermaids that you are.

Flip your hair like the secret mermaids that you are.

30. Throw your yarn in the air like you just don’t care.


31. Twirl her around…

Twirl her around...

Until you all fall down.

Until you all fall down.

32. Show your <3 on the beach.

Show your <3 on the beach.
Tumblr/Comedy Central / Via

33. With your hair.

With your hair.

34. And with your hands.

And with your hands.

35. Be the lovebirds that you are.

36. And walk into the sunset hand in hand.

And walk into the sunset hand in hand.
Dianna Avery Photography / Getty Images / Flickr RF

37. Because you know you’re best friends…

Because you know you're best friends...
Steve Madden

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