Monday, February 24, 2014

A Framework for Wearable Technology

If we’re asking people to wear technology, it has to be beautiful. What we wear is a reflection of who we are and who we aspire to be. It becomes an expression of ourselves and allows us to communicate the things that we care about and what we believe in. We use our clothing as an outlet to express ourselves and communicate who we are and what we believe in through the things that we wear.
We strive to create beautiful products and services that combine classic forms and materials, that pay attention to the details and craftsmanship, and that are authentic to the brand. We do this to create products and services that are more expressive that people want to wear, as opposed to have to wear.
Not only do our wearables have to be beautiful, but they have to be useful. They have to  make our experiences more meaningful and add value to our lives whether its solving an immediate need or simply adding delight. We strive to add meaning by making information not only glanceable, but action able too.
Much like how the iPhone brought multitouch and direct manipulation to the masses that allowed our technology to feel much more natural and fluid, wearables mark the beginning of a technology paradigm shift that uses our senses to communicate to us ambiently so that our information and services that we interact with become less obtrusive and feel more natural in context to where we are and what we’re doing.

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